Canoe be able to make it to the Bergrivier Canoe Marathon?
Stretching 240km from Velddrif to Paarl, the Bergrivier hosts the Canoe Marathon in July every year which occurs over four stages. This year the marathon will be held 5-8 July 2023.
The first documented descent of the Berg River took place in 1952 when three Paarl adventurers Bennie le Roux, Apie le Roux and Sam du Toit set off in an outboard-motor-driven boat, and they took four full days to reach the West coast fishing town of Velddrif.
The Berg Marathon was founded in 1962 by a group of 35 pioneers who set off on a flooded Berg River from Paarl for the first edition of this four-day race. Fuelled by enthusiastic support from “Die Burger” newspaper, the four-stage odyssey caught the attention of the South African public, as only 19 paddlers made it to the finish. This year it will be the 62nd Marathon held, although it was cancelled during the Covid-pandemic.
Famous paddlers will be seen at this years marathon including Surfski World Champ, Kenny Rice who will be tackling his first attemp at the Bergrivier Marathon.
After the very well rainfall the Western Cape had during the Winter so far, the rivier has reached it’s 100-year flood line and is in full swing for the eager and most daring paddlers!
This an even not to be missed!
More information at berg.org.za or email info@berg.org.za.